Month: November 2019

The Pallof Press

Hey everyone! Our PT Katy has made a little video of herself doing her favorite core movement, the Pallof Press! The full video can be seen here. “The Pallof Press is an anti-rotation exercise that aids in strengthening and stabilizing your core. It is a perfect move for athletes expected to turn and pivot at…

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Importance of Anti-Rotation Exercises in Core Strength

Did you know that your core comprises over 20 muscles that all have different roles in core strength and stabilization? Due to the multiple amounts of muscles, core strengthening should be done in all different motion planes. One important type of core stabilization exercise includes anti-rotation. An anti-rotation exercise is generally an exercise where the…

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We are a Top-level
Athletic Training &
Physical Therapy Facility

Designed to provide athletes and community members of all ages and ability a fully comprehensive training and physical therapy experience